Collection FAQs

When can I cancel an order? 

You can cancel an order from the moment it arrives on your Dashboard, whether it has been accepted or not. 

You can also cancel an order without refunding, say for example, if you have completed the majority of the preparation for an order and the order is changed.

How do I enable sound notifications on my Dashboard? 

You can find more information on enabling sound notifications here.

How do I operate Dines efficiently in my Kitchen? 

Smaller businesses tend to install a tablet or laptop device in the kitchen to communicate orders that require preparation to the kitchen staff. 

This experience can be enhanced using our built-in ' Kitchen Mode' which streamlines the interface and removes functionality that the kitchen team does not require.

Larger businesses will likely require a printer to be set up to print only the items that require preparation in the Kitchen - learn more about printing options

Or if you'd like to order a printer right away, head over to the Dines Shop and we can arrange it for you.

What if there's no internet?

If there is no internet available at the venue and you do not have access to the internet via a cellular connection (such as 5G or 4G), then you will be unable to receive orders or operate your Dines Dashboard.

How do I receive orders from Collections? 

You can find more information on managing Collection orders here.

How do I ensure that my customers get the best experience?

You can find more information on tips & tricks to ensure that your customers get the best experience here.

How do I remove or change Collection Points? 

By clicking on the relevant Collection Point, you can change its 'Position' or delete it. You can read more about setting up Collections here.

Can I temporarily hide a Collection slot? 

Unfortunately, we do not have this feature available but you can easily delete and re-add Collection Points.

How do I deactivate Collections? 

You can find information on setting up and deactivating Collections here.


How does Stripe take payment? 

When a customer places an order, Stripe temporarily holds the transaction amount. Once the order is accepted, Stripe completes the transaction.

How do I refund an order?

You can refund orders directly from your Dashboard. Click on the order card and scroll to the bottom where you can click 'refund order'. You'll be prompted with an 'are you sure?' message to prevent mistakes.

For more information about refunds, check out this article

When do I get paid for Collection orders?

Venues are paid in accordance with the Stripe Payout Schedule and work on weekly cycles. This graphic helps illustrate the process.

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