What do we do if a Delivery order goes wrong?

What if we can't service an order?

When an order is received, your team is able to cancel the order and inform customers why the order cannot be fulfilled. We strongly encourage that a reaosn is provided everytime an order is cancelled to ensure the best possible customer experience.

What if we are running late on a delivery?

When you know that a delivery is likely to arrive late, we encourage venues to contact customers using the provided contact information to let them know of the expected delay.

You also have the ability to adjust the Estimated Delivery Time from within an order card.

What if I can't make a Delivery of an accepted order?

If a Delivery order has been accepted (and the customer has been charged) but you subsequently find that the roder cannot be fulfilled, you cancel and refund the order directly from the order card. We then strongly encourage venues to contact customers using the provided contact information to let them know of the expected delay.

What if we made a mistake on a delivery order?

If a mistake was made on an order, we suggest that you make contact with the customer to explain the issue and agree on an appropriate resolution. If you would like to precess a partial refund, please get in touch with our team at support@dines.co.uk. 

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