Introduction to a Dines menu
Getting started
If you're building your Menu for the first time or just looking to make improvements, you've come to the right place!
To make this process as smooth as possible, we suggest you build your Dines Menu in this order:
- Add Menu Categories
- Add Menu Items
- Add Modifier Categories
- Add Modifiers
- Add Table Service
- Add Collections
- Add Deliveries
Overview of a Dines Menu
Menu Gallery is the banner images where you can show off your venue or promote favourite products. Find out how to add a Menu Gallery here.
Venue Information Card provides your customers with key details about your venue. Find out how to edit your venue information here.
Menu Categories are the titles of the sections in your menu. These help customers navigate your menu and understand each section.
Busy Mod e keeps your customers informed when things are hectic and you need a little extra time to prepare orders. Find out more about busy mode here.
Category Descriptions could explain why your items are grouped together, highlight availability, or promote offers.
Menu Items are the products on your menu. Menu items can be added to multiple Categories. This might be useful for promotions or a ‘Popular’ section.
Item Descriptions provide more information about products. 250 characters are available here but the first 50-80 characters are the most important. A customer must tap an item to read a full 250-character description and the space available is affected by product photos and which device the customer uses.
Product Photos help customers decide which items to order. Best in square format and under 500kb.
Dietary Tags allow customers to see which items suit their needs.
Allergen Tags keep your customers informed and safe.
Price is the cost of the item before customisation/Modifiers are applied.
Modifier Category is a group of Modifiers under each Menu Item. For example, a burger might have Modifier Categories of ‘Bun’ and ‘Sides’.
Modifiers sit under a Modifier Category and allow product customisation. They are also a great way to up-sell items and add-ons. Modifiers can increase your average order value and therefore increase margins.
Find out how to add Modifier Categories and Modifiers here.